Luận án Buckling analysis of inflatable composite beams

This thesis presents a numerical modeling and an experimental program

approach to investigate the buckling behavior of inflatable beams made from woven

fabric composite materials.

In the numerical study, the Isogeometric Analysis (IGA) is utilized to analyze

the bucking response of inflatable beams subject to axial compressive load and

predict the critical load at which the first wrinkle occurs. In the numerical model, the

Timoshenko’s kinematics principle is used to build a 3D model of inflating

orthotropic beams. In this modeling process, geometrical non-linearity is

considerated by using the energy concept that accounts for the change in membrane

and strain energies when the beams are bent. By using Lagrangian and virtual work

principles, nonlinear equilibrium equations were derived. These equations are then

discretized by using NURBS basis functions inherited from IGA approach to derive

the global nonlinear equation. The well-known Newton-Raphson algorithm is then

used to solve the nonlinear equation. The numerical results are then calibrated with

the experimental one. It was found that a good agreement between IGA predictions

and test results is achieved. The numerical model could be used for other parametric

studies to investigate the influences of material and geometrial parameters on the

buckling behaviour of inflatable beams.

In the experiment study, the mechanical properties of the woven fabric

composite material used in frabrication of inflatable beams are determined and the

biaxial buckling test is carried out. The experimental studies are performed under

various inflation pressures to characterize the orthotropic mechanical properties and

the nonlinear buckling behaviors. Load versus deflection curve of inflating beams

beam with different air pressures obtained from the experimentsare are illustrated.,

and the first wrinkles of the beams when buckling happens is also monitored.

Therefore, the maximum load carrying capacity of the inflating beam with respect to

the appearance of the first wrinkle is totally found. In addition, the critical bucklingvii

load is determined through distinct load cases. Then, the discrepancy is evaluated

among the proposed orthotropic and isotropic models in literature.

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Luận án Buckling analysis of inflatable composite beams

Luận án Buckling analysis of inflatable composite beams
CODE: 9520103 
HCM City, August 2021 
--- oOo --- 
CODE: 9520103 
Supervisor one : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phan Dinh Huan 
Supervisor two : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Hieu Giang 
Reviewer 1: 
Reviewer 2: 
Reviewer 3: 
HCM City, August 2021 
Họ và tên: PHAN THỊ ĐĂNG THƯ Giới tính: Nữ 
Ngày, tháng, năm sinh: 05/11/1977 Nơi sinh: Tiền Giang 
Quên quán: Tiền Giang Dân tộc: Kinh 
Học vị cao nhất: Thạc Sỹ Kỹ thuật 
Đơn vị công tác: Trường Cao Đẳng Công Nghệ Thủ Đức 
Chỗ ở riêng hoặc địa chỉ liên lạc: B2-14/09 c/c Lê Thành, Phường An Lạc, Quận Bình 
Tân, TP.HCM 
Điện thoại liên hệ: 0903373645 Email: 
1. Đại học: 
- Hệ đào tạo: Chính qui 
- Nơi đào tạo: Trường Đại học Sư phạm Kỹ thuật TP. HCM 
- Ngành học: Kỹ thuật công nghiệp 
- Năm tốt nghiệp: 2000 
2. Sau đại học 
- Hệ đào tạo: Chính qui 
- Nơi đào tạo: trường Đại học Sư phạm Kỹ thuật Tp. HCM - Việt Nam 
- Thạc sĩ chuyên ngành: Kỹ thuật cơ khí 
- Năm tốt nghiệp: 2004 
- 2000-2005: Giảng viên - Trường Cao đẳng Bán công Công nghệ và quản trị doanh 
- 2005-2019: Giảng viên, Trưởng khoa Cơ khí - Trường Cao đẳng nghề TPHCM 
- 2019-2020: Giảng viên, Giám đốc trung tâm - Viện khoa học An toàn vệ sinh lao 
động TPHCM 
 - 2020 đến nay: Giảng viên - Trường Cao đẳng Công nghệ Thủ Đức TPHCM 
- Gia công CNC 
- Thiết kế kỹ thuật cơ khí 
1 T. Le-Manh, Q. Huynh-Van, Thu D. Phan, Huan D. Phan, H. Nguyen-Xuan 
“Isogeometric nonlinear bending and buckling analysis of variablethickness 
composite plate structures”; Composite Structures 1 January 2017, Pages 
2 Phan Thi Dang Thu, Phan Dinh Huan and Nguyen Thanh Truong “Effect 
parametric to properties of a 2D orthogonal plain classical woven fabric 
composite”; ISBN: 978-604-913-367-1, pages 509-517. 
3 Phan Thi Dang Thu, Phan Dinh Huan and Nguyen Thanh Truong “Biaxial 
beam inflation test on orthotropic fabric beam”; ISBN: 978-604-913-213-1, 
pages 1169-1176. 
4 Nguyen Thanh Truong, Phan Dinh Huan, Phan Thi Dang Thu “Discretizing 
an analytical inflating beam model by the shellmembrane finite elelment”; 
ISBN: 978-604-913-213-1, pages 1221-1228. 
5 Phan Thi Dang Thu, Le Manh Tuan, Nguyen Xuan Hung, Nguyen Thanh 
Truong “Geometrically nonlinear behaviour of composite beams of variable 
fiber volume fraction in isogeometric analysis”; ISBN: 978-604-82-2028-0, 
Pages: 1404-1409. 
6 Thu Phan-Thi-Dang, Tuan Le-Manh, Giang Le-Hieu, Truong Nguyen-
Thanh “Buckling of cylindrical inflating composite beams using 
isogeometric analysis”; ISBN: 978-604-73-3691-3, Pages 821-826. 
7 Phan Thi Dang Thu, Nguyen Thanh Truong, Phan Dinh Huan “Mô hình 
dầm hơi composite phi tuyến chịu uốn”; ISBN: 976-604-82-2026-6, Page 
8 Phan Thi Dang Thu, Nguyen Thanh Truong, Phan Dinh Huan, Le Dinh 
Tuan “Biaxial experiments for determining material properties and joint 
strength of textile plain woven fabric composites”; ISBN: 978-604-913-722-
8, Page 1174-1181. 
 TP. HCM, ngày 12 tháng 8 năm 2021 
 Nghiên cứu sinh 
 Phan Thị Đăng Thư 
I, Phan Thị Đăng Thư, hereby assure that this dissertation is my own work, 
done under the guidance of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phan Dinh Huan and Assoc. Prof. Dr. 
Le Hieu Giang with the best of my knowledge. 
All results and data that are stated and presented in this dissertation are 
honest. And they have not been published by any previous works. 
 Ho Chi Minh City, August 2021 
 Phan Thi Dang Thu 
The dissertation is implemeted at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Ho 
Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education, Viet Nam. The conducting 
process of this thesis not only brings motivation, but it also takes several challenges 
and difficulties. Without any support and coopperating by my professors, colleagues 
as well as my students, this thesis would not be achieved completely and fluently. 
That is why, first of all, I would like to express my appreciation to Assoc. Prof. 
Phan Dinh Huan and Assoc. Prof. Le Hieu Giang, for accepting me as a PhD student 
and for their enthusiastic guidance during my research. Moreover, I would like to 
kindly thank Dr. Nguyen Thanh Truong, Dr. Le Manh Tuan, Mr. Duong Chi Hung (a 
young brothers), for their helpful supporting in every first steps of doing research. 
They conscientiously helped me to overcome during my hardest time. 
Secondly, I would like to acknowledge Assoc. Prof. Le Dinh Tuan, Faculty of 
Transportation Engineering, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Vietnam, 
who troubleshooted my troubles and helped to solve problems incidentally occurring 
in my study. 
Thirdly, I also take this chance to thank all my talent colleagues for their 
professional instruction and advice, as well as to my lovely students for their nicely 
Last but not least, the family’s love and encouragement are definitely my 
biggest motivation. They gave me plenty of valuable assistance with their love and 
 Phan Thi Dang Thu 
This thesis presents a numerical modeling and an experimental program 
approach to investigate the buckling behavior of inflatable beams made from woven 
fabric composite materials. 
In the numerical study, the Isogeometric Analysis (IGA) is utilized to analyze 
the bucking response of inflatable beams subject to axial compressive load and 
predict the critical load at which the first wrinkle occurs. In the numerical model, the 
Timoshenko’s kinematics principle is used to build a 3D model of inflating 
orthotropic beams. In this modeling process, geometrical non-linearity is 
considerated by using the energy concept that accounts for the change in membrane 
and strain energies when the beams are bent. By using Lagrangian and virtual work 
principles, nonlinear equilibrium equations were derived. These equations are then 
discretized by using NURBS basis functions inherited from IGA approach to derive 
the global nonlinear equation. The well-known Newton-Raphson algorithm is then 
used to solve the nonlinear equation. The numerical results are then calibrated with 
the experimental one. It was found that a good agreement between IGA predictions 
and test results is achieved. The numerical model could be used for other parametric 
studies to investigate the influences of material and geometrial parameters on the 
buckling behaviour of inflatable beams. 
In the experiment study, the mechanical properties of the woven fabric 
composite material used in frabrication of inflatable beams are determined and the 
biaxial buckling test is carried out. The experimental studies are performed under 
various inflation pressures to characterize the orthotropic mechanical properties and 
the nonlinear buckling behaviors. Load versus deflection curve of inflating beams 
beam with different air pressures obtained from the experimentsare are illustrated., 
and the first wrinkles of the beams when buckling happens is also monitored. 
Therefore, the maximum load carrying capacity of the inflating beam with respect to 
the appearance of the first wrinkle is totally found. In addition, the critical buckling 
load is determined through distinct load cases. Then, the discrepancy is evaluated 
among the proposed orthotropic and isotropic models in literature. 
BIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................ I 
ORIGINALITY STATEMENT ............................................................................ IV 
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..................................................................................... V 
ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................ VI 
CONTENTS ......................................................................................................... VIII 
NOTATIONS AND CONVENTIONS ................................................................ XII 
LIST OF FIGURE ............................................................................................ XVIII 
LIST OF TABLE .............................................................................................. XXIII 
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ............................................................................ 1 
1.1 Background information ....................................................................................... 1 
1.2 Motivation of the thesis ......................................................................................... 2 
1.3 The objectives and scope of the study .................................................................. 2 
1.4 Methodology ......................................................................................................... 3 
1.5 Outline of the thesis .............................................................................................. 4 
1.6 Original contributions of the thesis ....................................................................... 5 
1.7 Significances of the thesis ..................................................................................... 5 
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................ 7 
2.1 An overview of fibous composite materials ......................................................... 7 
2.1.1 Fiber types ...................................................................................................... 9 
2.1.2 Matrix Materials .......................................................................................... 13 
2.1.3 Composite Properties ................................................................................... 14 
2.1.4 Advantages of composite ............................................................................. 15 
2.2 Practical applications of inflating composite structures ..................................... 18 
2.2.1 Aerospace ..................................................................................................... 19 
2.2.2 Civil engineering and architecture ............................................................... 21 
2.2.3 Other fields of application ........................................................................... 22 
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List of publications 
List of Publications 
Parts of this dissertation have been published in international journals, national 
journals or presented in conferences. These papers are: 
• Articles in international scientific journal 
1. T. Le-Manh, Q. Huynh-Van, Thu D. Phan, Huan D. Phan, H. Nguyen-
Xuan “Isogeometric nonlinear bending and buckling analysis of variablethickness 
composite plate structures”. Composite Structures 2017, Pages 818-826. 
• International Conference 
2. Phan Thi Dang Thu, Phan Dinh Huan and Nguyen Thanh Truong “Effect 
parametric to properties of a 2D orthogonal plain classical 
woven fabric composite”. International Conferrence on Engineering Mechanics and 
Automation (ICEMA), Ha Noi city 2014 - ISBN: 978-604-913-367-1, pages 509-517. 
• National Conference 
3. Phan Thi Dang Thu, Phan Dinh Huan and Nguyen Thanh Truong “Biaxial 
beam inflation test on orthotropic fabric beam”; National Conference on Solid 
Mechanics, Ho Chi Minh city 2013 - ISBN: 978-604-913-213-1, pages 1169-1176. 
4. Nguyen Thanh Truong, Phan Dinh Huan, Phan Thi Dang Thu 
“Discretizing an analytical inflating beam model by the shellmembrane finite 
elelment”. National Conference on Solid Mechanics, Ho Chi Minh city 2013 - ISBN: 
978-604-913-213-1, pages 1221-1228. 
5. Phan Thi Dang Thu, Le Manh Tuan, Nguyen Xuan Hung, Nguyen Thanh 
Truong “Geometrically nonlinear behaviour of composite beams of variable fiber 
volume fraction in isogeometric analysis”. National Conference on Solid Mechanics, 
Da Nang city 2015 - ISBN: 978-604-82-2028-0, Pages: 1404-1409. 
6. Thu Phan-Thi-Dang, Tuan Le-Manh, Giang Le-Hieu, Truong Nguyen-
Thanh “Buckling of cylindrical inflating composite beams using isogeometric 
analysis”. Proceedings of the National Conference on science and technology in 
List of publications 
mechanics IV, Ho Chi Minh City 2015, Viet Nam - ISBN: 978-604-73-3691-3, Pages 
7. Phan Thi Dang Thu, Nguyen Thanh Truong, Phan Dinh Huan “Mô hình 
dầm hơi composite phi tuyến chịu uốn”. National Scientific Conference on Composite 
Materials and Structures, Nha Trang city 2016 - ISBN: 976-604-82-2026-6, Page 
8. Phan Thi Dang Thu, Nguyen Thanh Truong, Phan Dinh Huan, Le Dinh 
Tuan “Biaxial experiments for determining material properties and joint strength of 
textile plain woven fabric composites”. National Conference on Solid Mechanics, Ha 
Noi city 2017 - ISBN: 978-604-913-722-8, Page 1174-11. 

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