Luận án Adaptive learning solution based on deep learning for traffic object recognition

1. Introduction

Artificial intelligence (AI) is intelligence demonstrated by an artificial

system. Artificial intelligence is everywhere today such as office applications,

automatic answering systems, intelligent traffic management, smart home

management, etc. Since the Computer hardware systems became increasingly

capable, artificial intelligence has made great progress, applied more widely in all

fields of life and society.

Artificial intelligence focuses on developing algorithms and applications that

support human in decision making or self- decision making in the process of data

identifying and acquiring. Object detection, Object action recognition and Human

action recognition are one of the research targeted directions such as security

surveillance systems, security, manual remote control systems, blind assist systems,

sports data analysis systems, automated robots, self-driving cars [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], and

so on. There have been many studies proposing many different solutions to artificial

intelligence development such as heuristic algorithm, evolution algorithm, Support

Vector Machine algorithm, Hidden Markov Model algorithm, expert method, neural

network method, [6, 7, 8], etc. Traditional solutions, yet all require human

intervention and huge amounts of data to analyze and store but low accuracy and

limited identification cases.

To overcome those shortcomings, machine learning with focusing on Deep

Learning Method (Deep Learning) is now being applied in artificial intelligence in

terms of object detection and action recognition.

Deep Learning has been a hotly debated AI topic. As a small category of

machine learning, Deep Learning focuses on solving issues related to artificial

neural networks in order to upgrade technologies such as voice recognition, image

recognition and natural language processing. In just a few years, Deep Learning has

promoted progress in a variety of fields which are used to be very difficult to2

artificial intelligence researchers such as Object Perception, Machine Translation,

voice recognition, etc.

However, despite of the fact that issues related to AI were solved, Deep

Learning has still remained limitations that need to be settled.

- Firstly, to create a system capable of identifying a variety of objects, a huge

amount of input data is required by Deep Learning to enable computers to learn.

This process takes time with assistance of an extremely large processor which can

be only processed by a large server system.

- Secondly, Deep Learning is still unable to recognize complex things like

common social contacts. It, also, has trouble with detecting similar things because

of having no technology good enough helping artificial intelligence to draw those

recognition logically. Besides, integration of abstract knowledge into machine

learning systems seem to be the challenging issues, such as information about what

object is, what it is used for, how people use it, so on. In other words, machine

learning has not acquired the usual knowledge like human yet.

The question is “How can a machine learning system learn the knowledge,

select and update appropriate knowledge and then build a binding, stringed data set

like human by itself?”. Research on Adaptive Learning [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14] can be

a solution to improve Deep Learning' limitations, exploring issues that Deep

Leaning has not been able to do.

A comprehensive Adaptive Learning model will make an auto robot system

being capable of self-learning and self-intelligence that emulate the way

the human brain work. Under the device’s operation, the intelligence of the system

will increase over time. Accordingly, appropriate data will be automatically selected

by the system with its retraining of the model and replacing of the old model

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Luận án Adaptive learning solution based on deep learning for traffic object recognition

Luận án Adaptive learning solution based on deep learning for traffic object recognition
Da Nang, 2022 
Major: Computer Science 
Code: 9480101 
Da Nang, 2022 
 To the best of my knowledge, I hereby certify that all the content in the 
thesis entitled "Adaptive learning solution based on deep learning for traffic object 
recognition" is my own research. The figures and results of the thesis are honest, 
fully quoted and have not been previously published by another. 
 The author's signature 
First of all, I would like to express my endless thanks to my instructors. Their 
kindly support and advices went through the completion process of my PhD thesis. 
Their companion encouraged me to improve my work. Their instructions and 
motivation helped me to grow as a research scientist. 
I would also like to thank my council reviewers, members and independent 
scientists for giving me contribution and brilliant comments to my thesis. 
I would like to express my sincere thanks to the Board of Trustees and Board 
of Rector of Duy Tan University, the teachers and officers of Duy Tan University's 
Graduate School, for helping me in the process of learning and researching at 
I also acknowledge my thankfulness to the Board of Directors of the Quang 
Binh provincial Department of Information and Communications for kind 
assistances and support in my work and learning so that I can achieve the results 
Many thanks come to the research group’s members for their participation in 
the published works and allowing me to use the research results for this thesis. 
Finally, my deeply thanks come to my loved people and friends who were 
always beside me to help me when I need for the last time. A special thanks to my 
family where I got the most assistances and motivation for the whole of my life. 
In spite of the fact that many efforts are made during the working process, the 
thesis may remain shortcomings due to limited time and research conditions. All 
valuable comments and suggestions for the thesis completion will be highly 
 The author 
LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................................. vi 
LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................................. viii 
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................ x 
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 1 
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1 
2. Research goal ................................................................................................................. 3 
3. Research method ............................................................................................................ 3 
4. Research subject and scope ............................................................................................ 4 
5. The structure of the thesis .............................................................................................. 5 
CHAPTER 1. OVERVIEW OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ........................................ 7 
1.1 Overview of artificial intelligence ............................................................................... 7 
1.1.1. Definition of artificial intelligence ........................................................................... 7 
1.1.2 History of artificial intelligence ................................................................................ 7 
1.2. Machine learning and identification techniques .......................................................... 8 
1.2.1 Machine learning applications .................................................................................. 8 Image processing .................................................................................................... 8 Text analysis ........................................................................................................... 9 Data mining ............................................................................................................ 9 Video games and robotics ................................................................................... 10 
1.2.2 Basic recognition techniques in machine learning .................................................. 10 Decision tree ......................................................................................................... 10 Random forests..................................................................................................... 11 Boosting technique ............................................................................................... 11 Support vector machine ........................................................................................ 12 Artificial neural network ...................................................................................... 13 
1.3 Deep Learning and Adaptive Learning ...................................................................... 15 
1.3.1 Overview of Deep Learning and Adaptive Learning .............................................. 15 Deep Learning ...................................................................................................... 15 Adaptive learning ................................................................................................. 15 
1.3.2 Deep neural network (DNN) ................................................................................... 16 
1.3.3 Convolution neural network (CNN) ........................................................................ 17 
1.4 Domestic and international research .......................................................................... 18 
1.4.1 Domestic research ................................................................................................... 18 
1.4.2 International research .............................................................................................. 19 Overview .............................................................................................................. 19 
CHAPTER 2. RECOGNIZING OBJECTS BY DEEP LEARNING .................................. 27 
2.1 Object recognition problems ...................................................................................... 27 
2.1.1 Problem: Pedestrian action prediction .................................................................... 27 
2.1.2 Problem: Vehicle recognition ................................................................................. 29 
2.2 Suggested solution ..................................................................................................... 30 
2.2.1 Solution to pedestrian recognition .......................................................................... 31 Extracting features and training classifier model ................................................. 31 Pedestrian action prediction ................................................................................. 32 
2.2.2 Solution to vehicle recognition ............................................................................... 35 Sequential Deep Learning architecture ................................................................ 35 Data augmentation ............................................................................................... 36 
2.3. Experimental evaluation............................................................................................ 37 
2.3.1 Pedestrian detection ................................................................................................ 37 Extracting features and training classifier model ................................................. 37 Pedestrian detection and action prediction ........................................................... 37 
2.3.2 Vehicle recognition ................................................................................................. 38 Experimental data ................................................................................................. 38 Training CNN....................................................................................................... 39 Categorical vehicle recognition............................................................................ 41 
2.4 Conclusion.................................................................................................................. 43 
RECOGNITION .................................................................................................................. 45 
3.1 Adaptive learning problem in object recognition....................................................... 45 
3.2 Suggested solutions .................................................................................................... 45 
3.2.1 Overview of solutions ............................................................................................. 45 
3.2.2. Analysis .................................................................................................................. 46 Concept Definitions of System Components ....................................................... 46 General Structure of the System .......................................................................... 48 Details of the Proposed Architecture ................................................................... 50 
3.3. Experimental evaluation............................................................................................ 54 
3.3.1 Training CNN Model .............................................................................................. 54 IONet model ......................................................................................................... 55 PDNet model ........................................................................................................ 56 
3.3.2 Retraining and updating model ............................................................................... 60 
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